Tuesday 30 September 2008

News on Architecture ways!

It's passed about one year from the creation of this version of my italian blog: "Correnti d'architettura". I've let all the work to the solid shoulder of the google translation engine (sarcastic) but it seems the thing it didn't work as I hope.
This year, if I found some spare time, it will be translated directly by me. Of course my english is in very bad shape, extremely rusted if I may say so, but I'll do my best to make a understandable work. If someone wants to help it'll be very appreciated!


PS: you can still read the google translated version here: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcorrentidarchitettura.blogspot.it%2F&langpair=it%7Cen&hl=it&ie=UTF8

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